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Angular directive for custom select/dropdown [closed]

I'm trying to create a directive main custom select component, which use different types of data. e.g. Country data, Options data, etc.

The thing is that I don't know what is the 'Angular way' to do that, since I'm wondering if the data should be in another file (using scope or not?), and then rendering them somehow from the directive. If someone can bring some light on that, would be super helpful and I'd be very appreciative! Thanks a lot!!

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DreaMTT Avatar asked Jan 03 '14 05:01


1 Answers

Have a look at this multiselect dropdown directive I wrote. IMO the best way to learn angular directives is just to start messing around writing your own. This is also a good article.

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Mohammad Sepahvand Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Mohammad Sepahvand