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angular material mat radio button unchecked on multiple click

How can I clear <mat-radio-button> selected on second click (after it is already selected)

I know I can implement this behavior with checkbox but i need to allow select only one item.

Any help?

My code look like :

<mat-radio-group name="WasFamilyMemberPresent">
    <mat-radio-button *ngFor="let item of lookupNoYes" [value]="item.Code" >
like image 964
Stack Overflow Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 13:12

Stack Overflow

1 Answers

** UPDATED ** 10/11/2022

reference Sara's stackblitz answer below.

You can do the following to accomplish this.

Assign a template reference to the button #button and pass it to the component method (click)="checkState(button)"

 <mat-radio-button #button class="example-radio-button" *ngFor="let season of seasons" [value]="season" (click)="checkState(button)">

Create a local variable in the component to store the button value for comparison in checkState()

 currentCheckedValue = null;

DI Renderer2 to remove focus from the button

 constructor(private ren: Renderer2) { }

Wrap logic in setTimeout to put it on the digest cycle, check if local variable exist and if current value equals argument value... if true deselect, remove focus and null local variable... else set local variable for future comparison.

checkState(el) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (this.currentCheckedValue && this.currentCheckedValue === el.value) {
        el.checked = false;
        this.ren.removeClass(el['_elementRef'].nativeElement, 'cdk-focused');
        this.ren.removeClass(el['_elementRef'].nativeElement, 'cdk-program-focused');
        this.currentCheckedValue = null;
        this.favoriteSeason = null;
      } else {
        this.currentCheckedValue = el.value



like image 100
Marshal Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 10:12
