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Angular Material mat-chips not setting to be removable

Problem Statement

My problem is that when I am using Angular Material's mat-chip, it seems it cannot be set as removable even though I set it to true.


 <input matInput [matChipInputFor]="chipList" (matChipInputTokenEnd)="addOption($event)"
type="number" maxlength="4" placeholder="Enter an amount here">

<mat-chip #chipList *ngFor="let option of options" [removable]="true"

RemoveOption Method

removeOption(option: String) {
    const index = this.options.indexOf(option);

    if (index >= 0) {
      this.options.splice(index, 1);

Explanation of Code

As you can see, I have set [removable] to true and (removed) with a removeOption method. These things do not work for some strange reason.

I copied the example from here: https://material.angular.io/components/chips/examples, the section with the example is named: "Chips with Input"

Actual Output

The chips show no little remove button on the right:

enter image description here

Expected Output

The chips with a little remove button on the right:

enter image description here

like image 568
Compiler v2 Avatar asked Jan 09 '20 16:01

Compiler v2

People also ask

How do I disable mat chip?

Chips can be selected via the selected property. Selection can be disabled by setting selectable to false on the <mat-chip-list> .

What is addOnBlur?

addOnBlur: boolean. Whether or not the chipEnd event will be emitted when the input is blurred.

What is angular material contact chips?

The md-contact-chips, an Angular Directive, is an input control built on md-chips and uses the md-autocomplete element. The contact chip component accepts a query expression which returns a list of possible contacts. The user can select one of these and add it to the list of availble chips.

1 Answers

You have to add the mat-icon to trigger the removal. In the material example you have:

      *ngFor="let fruit of fruits"
      <mat-icon matChipRemove *ngIf="removable">cancel</mat-icon>

This contains the action to trigger matChipRemove inside the mat-icon.

Link for demo: https://stackblitz.com/angular/mjygopomxvq?file=src%2Fapp%2Fchips-autocomplete-example.html

like image 174
Ling Vu Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 15:10

Ling Vu