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Angular 6 providedIn - how to customize the @Injectable() provider for dependency injection?

In Angular 5, if I had AbstractClassService and ExtendedClassService that extends the abstract, I could do this in my NgModule's providers array:

  providers: [
    {provide: AbstractClassService, useClass: ExtendedClassService}
export class AppModule {}

This would allow me to switch ExtendedClassService with another for testing or whatever very easily. This can still be done with Angular 6, however there is the new providedIn option that can be set within the service itself to reduce bundle size:

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class ExtendedClassService extends AbstractClassService {}

Is there a way for me to accomplish the same thing I had with Angular 5 while using the new providedIn? Something like this:

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root', provide: AbstractClassService})
export class ExtendedClassService extends AbstractClassService {}
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BeetleJuice Avatar asked May 23 '18 13:05


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How do you use injection in Angular 6?

The first step is to add the @Injectable decorator to show that the class can be injected. The next step is to make it available in the DI by providing it. A dependency can be provided in multiple places: At the Component level, using the providers field of the @Component decorator.

What is providedIn in injectable Angular?

The providedIn allow us to specify how Angular should provide the dependency in the service class itself instead of in the Angular Module. It also helps to make the service tree shakable i.e. remove the service from the final bundle if the app does not use it.

1 Answers

I needed to do two things.

First, use implements instead of extends when creating the inheriting class and do not use the providedIn key there:

@Injectable() // removed providedIn
export class ExtendedClassService implements AbstractClassService {}

Second, add the provider instructions to the abstract class instead:

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root', useClass: ExtendedClassService})
export abstract class AbstractClassService {}

Other provider configuration (useValue, useExisting, useFactory) can also be used there.

Credit goes to Abinesh with this comment which led me to the linked blog post. Many thanks to the blog author!

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BeetleJuice Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 06:09
