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Angular 6 Material Tree

I am trying to do a material angular tree based off of the docs but seem to have run into an error that I can't seem to diagnose. Chromes gives an error that Cannot read property 'children' of undefined at line 8 of my HTML. It appears as though the tree gets loaded into nestedDataSource just fine, but it won't display anything. Admittedly, I'm not entirely sure how the Angular Material tree works so I may have just messed up the html.

On angular 6.01


<mat-tree [dataSource]="nestedDataSource" [treeControl]="nestedTreeControl" class="category-picker">
  <mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node">
    <li class="mat-tree-node">

  <mat-nested-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node; when: node.children.length">
      <ul [class.example-tree-invisible]="!nestedTreeControl.isExpanded(node)">
        <ng-container matTreeNodeOutlet></ng-container>


import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import {NestedTreeControl} from '@angular/cdk/tree';

import {MatSelectModule} from '@angular/material';
import {MatTreeNestedDataSource} from '@angular/material/tree';

import { DataBrokerService } from '../data-broker.service';
import { Category } from '../datatypes'
import { observable, of } from 'rxjs';

export class CategoryNode {
  children: CategoryNode[];
  category: Category;

  selector: 'app-category-picker',
  templateUrl: './category-picker.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./category-picker.component.scss']
export class CategoryPickerComponent implements OnInit {

  // Does not follow main/sub category - just has a simple category!
  @Input() categoryID: number;
  @Output() categoryIDChange:EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>();

  nestedTreeControl: NestedTreeControl<CategoryNode>;

  nestedDataSource: MatTreeNestedDataSource<CategoryNode>;

    private dataBrokerService: DataBrokerService
  ) { 
    this.nestedTreeControl = new NestedTreeControl(node => of(node.children));
    this.nestedDataSource = new MatTreeNestedDataSource();

  ngOnInit() {
    this.dataBrokerService.getCategories().subscribe(categories => this.nestedDataSource.data = this.buildTree(categories));


  private buildTree(categories:Category[]):CategoryNode[]{

    let tree:CategoryNode[] = [];
    let map: {[s:number]: CategoryNode} = {};

    // Build an index of the nodes
    categories.forEach(cat => {
      map[cat.id] = {children:[], category:cat};

    // Start adding nodes to tree 
    for (let key of Object.keys(map)){
      let catNode = map[+key];

      if (map[catNode.category.parent_id]){
        // Add it to the parent
        // Add it to root
    return tree;
like image 283
BobtheMagicMoose Avatar asked Jan 28 '23 23:01


2 Answers

It turns out I had incorrectly implemented the 'when' function of MatTreeNodeDef. In my HTML I needed to change when: node.children.length to when: hasNestedChild which is defined as = (_: number, nodeData) => {return nodeData.children.length} in the .ts file. In other words, when is a required parameter that takes a function with two inputs (number and node).

like image 102
BobtheMagicMoose Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 15:02


category-picker.component.html: <mat-nested-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node; when: hasNestedChild">

category-picker.component.ts: hasNestedChild=(_: number, nodeData) => {return nodeData.children.length}

like image 21
Adnan Cindioglu Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 15:02

Adnan Cindioglu