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Angular 5.2 AOT build error Expected 0 arguments, but got 1 when using $event

I am capturing output event in method without parameter and it's working fine. but when i try to build AOT --prod getting folloing error.

Expected 0 arguments, but got 1

Html code: SaveSortOrder($event)
backend code: SaveSortOrder() {}
like image 941
Md Ghouse Avatar asked Feb 22 '18 16:02

Md Ghouse

2 Answers

AOT is very strict. In this case you are passing the value of $event when you call SaveSortOrder, but the method doesn't accept one. Either change the html not to pass $event or add an argument to SaveSortOrder.

Do one of the following:

Html code <button click="SaveSortOrder()" />

backend SaveSortOrder($event: any) { /* ... */ }

like image 149
Daniel Gimenez Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 13:11

Daniel Gimenez

In the local environment, it doesn't give an error but on the live environment, it gives error so to solve that perform any one of the following fix.

Reason You pas a parameter from HTML but doesn't have a variable in typescript method

Component Html Fix


Component ts file Fix SaveSortOrder($event: any) { }

like image 1
Huzaifa Asif Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 14:11

Huzaifa Asif