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Angular 4 documentation offline computer [closed]

I would like to find a local/offline version of the Angular 4 documentation (https://angular.io/docs), that I could use in an offline environement (no internet access at all, zeal and its alternatives) could not be used unfortunatly.

After many hours of searches it seems that nobody could find a simple solution for this task, only for the angularJS 1.0 version..

I have also tried cloning the angular documentation project without success on running it locally without internet available.

like image 804
octo-developer Avatar asked Oct 02 '17 19:10


1 Answers

  1. Go to DevDocs.io this website first
  2. Then go to Preference from Menu
  3. Check item that you want to get in list and click Apply enter image description here
  4. Then go to Offline from Menu and install all documents those you want to see on offline.
  5. That's all !!! Now you can see that even in offline.
like image 169
Rowf Abd Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Rowf Abd