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Angular 4 combine data from multiple HTTP requests

I'm using angular 4 and I try to get data from 2 endpoints but I have a problem understanding rxjs.

with this code I can only get list of students and users only.

 getStudent() {
    return this.http.get(this.url + this.student_url, this.getHeaders()).map(res => res.json());

getUsers() {
    return this.http.get(this.url + this.users_url, this.getHeaders()).map(res => res.json());

Let's say this is data : Student

[{"ID" : 1 , "SchoolCode": "A150", "UserID": 1 }, 
{"ID" : 5 , "SchoolCode": "A140" , "UserID": 3}, 
{"ID" : 9 , "SchoolCode": "C140" , "UserID": 4}]


[{"ID" : 1  ,"Name": "Rick" , "FamilyName" , "Grimes" },
{"ID" : 4 ,"Name": "Carle" , "FamilyName" , "Grimes" }]

I want to get first all students then compare UserID if it's the same as user then I combine both objects into one until I get an array like this :

{"ID" : 1 , "SchoolCode": "A150","Name": "Rick" , "FamilyName" , "Grimes" }

I think I should use flatmap but I did try write code but it dosen't work for me and I didn't find an example with such logic.

Could you please help me.

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Noah13 Avatar asked Sep 01 '17 04:09


1 Answers

You can use the switchMap operator (alias of flatMap) in the following code :

// Observables mocking the data returned by http.get()
const studentObs = Rx.Observable.from([
  {"ID" : 1 , "SchoolCode": "A150", "UserID": 1 }, 
  {"ID" : 5 , "SchoolCode": "A140" , "UserID": 4}, 
  {"ID" : 9 , "SchoolCode": "C140" , "UserID": 3}
const userObs = Rx.Observable.from([
  {"ID" : 1, "Name": "Rick" , "FamilyName": "Grimes" },
  {"ID" : 3, "Name": "Tom" , "FamilyName": "Cruise" },
  {"ID" : 4, "Name": "Amy" , "FamilyName": "Poehler" }
// Return an observable emitting only the given user.
function getUser(userID) {
  return userObs.filter(user => user.ID === userID);

  .switchMap(student => {
     return getUser(student.UserID).map(user => {
       // Merge the student and the user.
       return Object.assign(student, {user: user});
  .subscribe(val => console.log(val));

Check out this JSBin: http://jsbin.com/batuzaq/edit?js,console

like image 180
AngularChef Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
