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class constructor cannot be invoked without 'new

I am trying to use a 3rd party typescript library(antlr - https://github.com/tunnelvisionlabs/antlr4ts) in my angular 2 project created using angular-cli. It's failing with this error class constructor MyLexer cannot be invoked without 'new. If you look at below code snippet , it's failing while making call to super();.Also Lexer.js is sitting in node_modules of antlr library.

I am not using babel in my project but I found this other stackoverflow post which has similar error as mine Babel error: Class constructor Foo cannot be invoked without 'new'. It says that due to the way ES6 classes work, you cannot extend a native class with a transpiled class. Is it somehow related to my issue as well? Please guide.

Code snippet

let inputStream = new ANTLRInputStream("sometext");
      let lexer = new MyLexer(inputStream); // it fails here
      let tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
      let parser = new MyParser(tokenStream);

MyLexer.ts (Generated code)

    export class MyLexer extends Lexer {
        constructor(input: CharStream) {
                super(input); // it fails here. 
                this._interp = new LexerATNSimulator(MyLexer._ATN, this);
        // more code

Lexer.js (sitting in node_modules)

class Lexer extends Recognizer_1.Recognizer {
    constructor(input) {
//more code
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user911 Avatar asked May 01 '17 20:05


People also ask

Can constructors be called without new?

No, this is not possible. Constructors that are created using the class keyword can only be constructed with new , if they are [[call]]ed without they always throw a TypeError 1 (and there's not even a way to detect this from the outside).

What is a class constructor?

A constructor of a class is a special method that gets called when a class is instantiated using the NEW function. A constructor for a class has the same name as the class name. Unlike ordinary methods, a constructor definition is identified by the CONSTRUCTOR statement.

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To fix JavaScript ES6 TypeError: Class constructor Client cannot be invoked without ‘new’, we need to transpile our code to ES6 or later. { "compilerOptions": { "target": "ES6" //... } } to set the target to 'ES6' to transpile the code to ES6 so ES6 classes are kept after transpiling.

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Transpiled classes cannot extend native classes, at least without additional measures. Since ES6 classes should be only called with new, NativeBar.call results in error.

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All other TS generated classes work as fine and everything below CObject fails when it gets to calling the CObject constructor.

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You might also be getting the error if you forgot to use the new operator when instantiating a class in TypeScript. To get around this, always make sure to use the new operator when creating instances of a class. We used the new operator upon class instantiation. The new operator does 3 things:

1 Answers

That's quite surprising. I'm using the same approach like you in my node module antlr4-graps, which has ES6 set as transpilation target and everything is working very well. Take a closer look there. Maybe you can spot other signifcant differences between your code and mine. I assume you have the latest alpha of antlr4ts installed.

like image 167
Mike Lischke Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Mike Lischke