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Angular 2: How to style host element of the component?

People also ask

How we can add style to the particular component in Angular?

There are several ways to add styles to a component: By setting styles or styleUrls metadata. Inline in the template HTML. With CSS imports.

How do you apply component styles?

The easiest way to add the Styling to React component is to add it to the “index. html”. Every application has some common designs and styles which are applicable to the entire application such as font-size, text color, and other such properties.

How do you style a child component from the parent component?

We can use the :host pseudo-selector to combine a set of CSS classes to define possible child styles inside the child component itself. And then we can trigger these classes from outside by applying the style we want to the <child> host element. Angular provides a way to bind a single css class to an host element.

There was a bug, but it was fixed in the meantime. :host { } works fine now.

Also supported are

  • :host(selector) { ... } for selector to match attributes, classes, ... on the host element
  • :host-context(selector) { ... } for selector to match elements, classes, ...on parent components

  • selector /deep/ selector (alias selector >>> selector doesn't work with SASS) for styles to match across element boundaries

    • UPDATE: SASS is deprecating /deep/.
      Angular (TS and Dart) added ::ng-deep as a replacement that's also compatible with SASS.

    • UPDATE2: ::slotted ::slotted is now supported by all new browsers and can be used with `ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom

See also Load external css style into Angular 2 Component

/deep/ and >>> are not affected by the same selector combinators that in Chrome which are deprecated.
Angular emulates (rewrites) them, and therefore doesn't depend on browsers supporting them.

This is also why /deep/ and >>> don't work with ViewEncapsulation.Native which enables native shadow DOM and depends on browser support.

I have found a solution how to style just the component element. I have not found any documentation how it works, but you can put attributes values into the component directive, under the 'host' property like this:

    styles: [`
      :host {
        'style': 'display: table; height: 100%',
        'class': 'myClass'
export class MyComponent
    constructor() {}

    // Also you can use @HostBinding decorator
    @HostBinding('style.background-color') public color: string = 'lime';
    @HostBinding('class.highlighted') public highlighted: boolean = true;

UPDATE: As Günter Zöchbauer mentioned, there was a bug, and now you can style the host element even in css file, like this:

:host{ ... }

Check out this issue. I think the bug will be resolved when new template precompilation logic will be implemented. For now I think the best you can do is to wrap your template into <div class="root"> and style this div:

@Component({ ... })
  template: `
    <div class="root">
      <h2>Hello Angular2!</h2>
      <p>here is your template</p>
  styles: [`
    .root {
      background: blue;
class SomeComponent {}

See this plunker

In your Component you can add .class to your host element if you would have some general styles that you want to apply.

export class MyComponent{
     @HostBinding('class') classes = 'classA classB';

For anyone looking to style child elements of a :host here is an example of how to use ::ng-deep

:host::ng-deep <child element>

e.g :host::ng-deep span { color: red; }

As others said /deep/ is deprecated

Try the :host > /deep/ :

Add the following to the parent.component.less file

:host {
    /deep/ app-child-component {
       //your child style

Replace the app-child-component by your child selector