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Angular 2 (Final): resetConfig to add routes to lazy loaded routes

I'm trying to understand how to dynamically add routes to those from a lazy loaded module. I have the core app, with routes:

export const routes = [{
    path: "",
    component: HomeComponent
}, {
    path: "moduleA",
    loadChildren: "app/moduleA/A.module"

In A.module I import routes from the "local" moduleA.routes.config.ts:

const routes = [{
    path: "",
    component: ModuleAHomeComponent,
    children: [
        { path: "", component: ModuleAListComponent },
        { path: ":id", component: ModuleADetailComponent }
export const routing = RouterModule.forChild(routes);

So far so good. Now, in ModuleADetailComponent I have a list of "additional modules", which I'll call plugins, for my webapp, which are developed separately and I want to be able to show in ModuleADetailComponent page. Therefore, the template for this component is something like this:

<div *ngFor="let plugin of plugins">
    <div class="header">{{ plugin.name }}</div>
    <router-outlet name="*plugin.name*">*LOAD MODULE HERE*</router-outlet>

Of course, plugins is a configuration loaded upon navigation to ModuleADetailComponent, so I don't know ahead of time which modules are configured and how many there are. Lastly, each of these plugins can be an NgModule (developed separately in a workbench environment).

What I need is: how do I modify the router configuration, dynamically, to add children to the route defined in moduleA.routes.config.ts? For example, if I have 2 plugins, I want to dynamically use router.resetConfig to have what I would have if moduleA.routes.config.ts was like this:

const routes = [{
    path: "",
    component: ModuleAHomeComponent,
    children: [
        { path: "", component: ModuleAListComponent },
            path: ":id",
            component: ModuleADetailComponent,
            children: [
                    path: "plugin1",
                    loadChildren: "app/plugins/plugin1.module",
                    outlet: "plugin1"
                    path: "plugin2",
                    loadChildren: "app/plugins/plugin2.module",
                    outlet: "plugin2"
export const routing = RouterModule.forChild(routes);

I hope I can achieve it, otherwise plugins will have to be developed without routing...but they can become big sub-modules which would benefit from navigation.

EDIT 27/09/2016: I've assembled this plunkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/6aV5n5K5wdqdiYo49lZv. What I am currently able to do is load components dynamically and add them to the application (see tab "Dynamic Modules"). What I've also done is to use multiple named router-outlets, despite not finding any official documentation (see tab "Dynamic Routed"). Despite the tab name, routes are known ahead of time.

What I want to do is: dynamically load a configuration (the dynamicRoutes array in the DynamicRoutesComponent) and only after create one router-outlet per dynamic route and use resetConfig (or what it takes) to have this configuration:

  path: "dynamic-routed",
  component: DynamicRoutesComponent,
  children: [
    { path: "", component: EmptyComponent },
    { path: "component1", component: Component1, outlet: "component1" },
    { path: "component2", component: Component2, outlet: "component2" }

with one child per dynamic route.

Thanks in advance!

like image 653
Etchelon Avatar asked Sep 19 '16 12:09


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1 Answers

First of all, the loadChildren property method must be supplied with the following format (https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.html#!#asynchronous-routing):

  path: 'admin',
  loadChildren: 'app/admin/admin.module#AdminModule',

As you see above, the module path and the module name are joined with the # char.

In your case, you need to to modify your app.routes more or less as follows (not sure about your module/file names, and the plunkr sample does not reflect the names given in this question):

export const routes = [{
    path: "",
    component: HomeComponent
}, {
    path: "moduleA",
    loadChildren: "app/moduleA#ModuleA"

This was just an intro, now let's proceed to the solution of your problem. As far as I read, you want to dynamically add child routes.

You can dynamically provide child routes in your feature module by using the following code.

import {ROUTES} from '@angular/router/src/router_config_loader';
import {ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS} from '@angular/core';

let routesToAdd = ... // provide your routes here

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild([])] // Empty on purpose
  providers: [
      provide: ROUTES,
      useValue: routesToAdd,
      multi: true
      useValue: routesToAdd, // provide them here too
      multi: true

You had to provide same routes for ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS token (as well as ROUTES token) otherwise you'll get the No component factory found for YOUR_COMPONENT. Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents? error.

However, this code might produce errors during AoT compilation. In this case, you'll need to provide a factory instead of a value for ROUTES token. However, you won't be able to provide a factory for ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS token - it does only accept useValue (see https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/03e855ae8f9e9b86251320c7551a96092bd8b0c4/modules/%40angular/compiler/src/metadata_resolver.ts#L926).

In that case, use the following code on your feature module:

import {ROUTES} from '@angular/router/src/router_config_loader';

let routesToAdd = ... // provide your routes here

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild([])] // Empty on purpose
  providers: [
      provide: ROUTES,
      useFactory: (getRoutesFromSomewhere),
      //deps: [SomeService, SOME_TOKEN] // deps is optional, in the case you need no params - delete it; otherwise pass 'em
      multi: true
  entryComponents: [CompA, CompB, CompC, etc...]

Note: Using Observables/Promises to provide routes is not a reliable solution, hence the Angular router expects Route[] or Routes, but an HTTP request can only return an Observable/Promise (The Angular app gets initialized, but the retrieval process of routes still goes on using Observables/Promises) (see https://github.com/ngx-i18n-router/config-loader#readme).

Use such functions which return Route[] or Routes.

Meantime, you might check the module file of @ngx-i18n-router/core (an internationalization utility for Angular, benefits from dynamic routes) and this example-app as its implentation.

like image 170
Burak Tasci Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Burak Tasci