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Leaflet : Dynamically count number of feaures loaded into a layer

I have an application where markers/features are loading into layers/layerGroups (what's the right term?) from multiple sources, and they're loading dynamically (based on some attribute in feature.properties and other conditions). I want to be able to tell on the sidepanel the number of markers currently loaded into the layer on display. Given just the layer's variable/identifier, how can one find the number of markers/features loaded into it?

var layer1= L.layerGroup();
layerControl.addOverlay(layer1, 'Layer 1');

... // loading stuff into this layer from different sources

console.log(layer1.length); // doesn't work, gives "undefined"
console.log(JSON.stringify(layer1)); // doesn't work, "TypeError: cyclic object value"

..so I guess layers can't be treated like JSON objects.

I found a related question, but the answer there only addresses markers loaded from one geoJson source and advises a simple counter++ in the onEachFeature. I'm working with a lot of layers in my application and would appreciate not having to put a separate counter variable for each and every one, rather want to just use the layer's variable/identifier to count. If we can add a layer to a map or clustergroup so simply then we ought to be able to count what's in it, right?

like image 737
Nikhil VJ Avatar asked Jul 09 '15 01:07

Nikhil VJ

1 Answers

The getLayers() function returns an array containing all the features in your object. Then you can get the length of that array.

like image 168
muzaffar Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10
