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Angular 2, dynamic bind attribute name

I have a code block angular 2 like that:

<div *ngFor="let elm of elms; let i = index" [attr.name]="name" text-center>
    {{elm }}

It works fine.
But when i want to dynamic set attribute name base on index like name-1="name" name-2="name"i dont know how to do it.
I tried [attr.name-{{i}}]="name"or [attr.name- + i]="name" but it does not work. Is there any way to do it?
Many thanks.

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Duannx Avatar asked Jun 16 '17 07:06


2 Answers

To start off thanks to OP for the question. I eventually learnt new things by solving this answer. Below explanation on how i achieved.

Important: One catch you cannot bind the dynamic attribute to your component scope. To achieve this you need to make each div as a dynamic component and compile it. Kinda hacky i guess.


<div #looped *ngFor="let elm of elms; let i = index;" text-center>
  {{elm }}

and in the component import implements AfterViewInit and ViewChildren decorator to get children elements and its changes on rendering:

import { Component, ViewChildren, QueryList, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';


export class ExamplePage implements AfterViewInit {
  elms : Array<string> = ["d1", "d2", "d3"]
  @ViewChildren('looped') things: QueryList<any>;
  constructor() { }

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.things.forEach((t, index) => {
      let el : HTMLDivElement = t.nativeElement;
      el.setAttribute("name-" + index , "dynamicAttrString");


enter image description here

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NiRUS Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09


I don't know weather it is possible or not but I've alternate solution

<div *ngFor="let elm of elms; let i = index" [attr.name]="{id : index, data : name}">{{item}}</div>

then you'll get object as avalue with id and data keys, hope this helps.

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Arjun Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
