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How do I dynamically add an array to a react-bootstrap table?

I have a React component that will render a table based on data from an Ajax call. There might just be one row of data, or there might be a maximum of N rows(not a huge amount, but there's a limit).

Using react-bootstrap, how would I create a table depending on the data I get from this.state.data?

Here's some sample code from render of the class. How would I populate the individual cells depending on the length of my array?

The array contains an object for each row I wish to populate, with data corrosponding to Name and Address as well as Age(just an example). How do I populate the <td>'s with the right amount? It might be anywhere from 1 to N.

render : function () {

        let personArray = []; // Array containing objects that each match the three columns I wish to populate. 

        for(let i = 0; i < personArray.length; i++){
            console.log(personArray[i]); // Prints correctly each object with three value key pairs inside

        const popoverLeft = (

            <Popover id="popover-positioned-left" title="Country name">
                <Table striped bordered condensed hover>
                        // Goes on .. 
                        // Goes on .. 
                        // Goes on .. 

                <OverlayTrigger trigger="click" placement="right" overlay={popoverLeft}>
like image 208
cbll Avatar asked Apr 06 '17 08:04


1 Answers

You can do something like this :

In your render :

<Table striped condensed hover>

Your renderPerson function :

renderPerson(person, index) {
  return (
    <tr key={index}>

The map function will iterate over your array and return a new array of elements to render.

like image 193
Clafou Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
