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android:screenOrientation=“sensorPortrait" not valid?

I need to limit my app to displaying in portrait mode.

Using android:screenOrientation=“Portrait" works great but I'd like to have the display change to reverse portrait when the device is rotated.

Using android:screenOrientation="sensorPortrait" results in a compile error. Funny thing though, if I use "sensorLandscape" instead it compiles fine but it's not what I need.

I'm using Eclipse v 3.7.2 with Android 2.3.3

Any ideas???

Thanks Rob

like image 627
Rob 'user1478730' Avatar asked Oct 22 '12 18:10

Rob 'user1478730'

1 Answers

Google has made a typo, use sensorPortait

like image 172
Alexander Kulyakhtin Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 16:11

Alexander Kulyakhtin