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Android Tablet or iPad for Kiosk Device

We want to place a device in a store that operates as sort of a kiosk device. As in customers walk up to it and start interacting with our custom app. The app could be developed for Android or the iPad, so I'm trying to decide which one to use and would like comments on the following ideas:

  • Is it possible for Android or iOS to access services over the USB port? This would enable us to disable the network.

  • Is one particularly better for 24 hour always on?

  • I like the iPad as I think its supply will be more constant as we move forward and need to replace devices due to ones gone bad. Also, our app will probably work on future generations of the iPad. With Android, I'm not sure there will be that sort of consistency from the tablet vendors.

  • Kiosk mode? I think with the iPad by putting it in a kiosk case that removes access to the home button and turning on the restrictions we'll get what we want. What about Android? I'd rather not have to get into rooting devices and replacing their firmware.

  • Remote control? Any way to remotely control iOS or Android in a standard means? Our app will be a client to a master server which will obviously be able to control the app somewhat (when used purely as a display device to a customer, controlled from behind the counter).

My feeling is that neither Android tablets or the iPad is best suited for this. Are there other options?

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Jason Avatar asked May 18 '11 19:05


People also ask

Can you run an Android tablet in kiosk mode?

Yes! Nearly any Android device with a touchscreen can be run in kiosk mode.

What operating system do kiosks use?

Kiosks running a Windows operating system are typically more easily monitored, updated, and managed remotely due to the extensive native Windows management tools. Android and iOS have not invested in this area as heavily, nor do their platforms offer the same robust focus on business support.

Does Android have a kiosk mode?

Android Kiosk Mode is a lock down mechanism that enables IT admins to run a single app or a pre-defined set of apps on Android smartphones and tablets, allowing these devices to function as kiosks.

2 Answers

I will try to answer your points, but know that I am probably biased towards Android, because that is where my experience lies.

  • With Android 3.1+, at least with the Xoom, you have full USB host capabilities. Things like USB flash/hard drives, keyboards, mice, even digital cameras, all work. If you need custom interop with a USB device, you could go as far as to write a driver for it.

  • 24 hour always on is not good for any device with a battery, but neither is better in this situation.

  • While android apps are forward-compatible, bad programming practices and/or deviations from "vanilla" Android software and hardware CAN break forward compatibility. That being said, if you grab a Google Experience device like the Xoom, you won't meet as many surprises.

  • In Android 3.0, the navigation bar is built-in at a low level, and it is not possible for apps to remove it. Therefore, it is trivial for anyone to break a "software nanny."

  • I know that it is possible to control android devices remotely, but without knowing your specific needs, I can't really offer more information than that.

Good luck!

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Jon Willis Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Jon Willis

iPad NOOO believe me I am a convert to Apple for my home and business but when we went to launch kiosk the iPad FAILED Big Time.. Here are a couple of little (Big) issues we ran into.

  1. If the device reboots you cannot auto launch you iPad app since Apple does not allow that.

  2. There is a serious memory leak in the iPads browser. We were running javascript / CSS3 and it cratered intermittently. I literally spent 2 hours "today" on the phone with Apple getting the MAJOR run around. I finally said let me speak to an Enterprise Sales Manager as my project could mean thousands of iPads and I got NO WHERE. One Apple employee even told me they don't have enterprise sales managers.

If those weren't enough even though we are just in the proof of concept phase, we are already getting request for other options. These other options are going to require access to the OS which Apple yea right. We are moving to Android immediately.

Sorry Apple I love you but you loose here.

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DWB Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10