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android-RuntimePermissions sample code not working


After cloning I imported the code in Android Studio 2.3.3 But app folder is not showing in Project>Android and also other android specific option like Android Monitor is absent. Build Project not working.

How I imported is as followed. File > New > Import Project > android-RuntimePermissions > build.gradleand then clicked ok

I have added Kotlin plugin to android studio as the project have Kotlin module.

like image 723
Android Developer Avatar asked Dec 28 '17 10:12

Android Developer

Video Answer

1 Answers

There's an invalid settings.gradle file, which only tries to import Application module (which yet is not valid gradle module, as long as it does not have its own build.gradle file).

Inside root folder settings.gradle file put following line:

include ':kotlinApp'

Now instead of importing build.gradle import kotlinApp folder:

File -> Open... -> android-RuntimePermissions-master/kotlinApp

like image 172
azizbekian Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10
