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Android NDK path variable for "strip" command in CMake build tool chain

I am trying to add a strip debug symbols step for my Android library which includes native shared libraries for different ABIs, e.g. x86/native-lib.so, x86_64/native-lib.so, arm64-v8a/native-lib.so, etc.

I understand that the strip command must be respective to each ABI. So, I need to invoke the correct strip command, for which I need to know its correct path during build time.

For example, for ABI x86_64, I need to have below path setting:

set(STRIP ~/Library/Android/android-ndk-r16b/toolchains/x86_64-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/x86_64-linux-android-strip)

                COMMAND ${STRIP}
                COMMENT "Strip debug symbols done on final binary.")

The path I need is illustrated like below: enter image description here

So, my questions are:

  • Is there an existing CMake variable to point at this path, i.e. /android-ndk-r16b/toolchains/???/prebuilt/???/bin/???-???-???-strip?

  • If not, is there a way to form this path utilising other known Android CMake variable, e.g. ANDROID_NDK, ANDROID_ABI, etc?

like image 241
shizhen Avatar asked Nov 21 '18 09:11


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2 Answers

Thanks @Alex Cohn a lot for pointing out the file android.toolchain.cmake which usually exists at directory ~/Library/Android/sdk/cmake/cmake_version_xxx/android.toolchain.cmake on macOS.

There are many useful Android CMake variables already configured inside, e.g.


And the one ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX is exactly what I looked for, so my final CMake script comes into below:

            COMMAND "${ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}strip" -g -S -d --strip-debug --verbose
            COMMENT "Strip debug symbols done on final binary.")

And I don't need to explicitly pass any additional arguments, i.e. DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android.toolchain.cmake, from command line to the build process. Because, this file, i.e. android.toolchain.cmake, was already taken into account automatically by Android native build system.

like image 123
shizhen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


You can use ${CMAKE_STRIP}. It is set appropriately when you use -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=android.toolchain.cmake. I hope it is OK also if you work with 'built-in' Android support with supported NDK version.

like image 28
Alex Cohn Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Alex Cohn