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Check Android SDK Version with Kotlin using when

I want to check the Android SDK version at runtime. I tried it like so:

fun Context.getDrawableById(resId : Int) : Drawable {

    when (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT) {

        in Int.MIN_VALUE..20 -> return resources.getDrawable(resId)
        else -> return getDrawable(resId)

I got a compiler warning "Call requires API Level 21 (current min is 19)". So I changed my code:

fun Context.getDrawableById(resId : Int) : Drawable {

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21)
        return resources.getDrawable(resId)
        return getDrawable(resId)

No compiler warning.

My question is: is it possible to use when in this case without compiler warning? How?

like image 423
A.D. Avatar asked Jun 07 '18 08:06


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In Android Studio, click File > Project Structure. Select SDK Location in the left pane. The path is shown under Android SDK location.

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How do I find my current Kotlin version?

IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio suggest updating to a new release once it is out. When you accept the suggestion, it automatically updates the Kotlin plugin to the new version. You can check the Kotlin version in Tools | Kotlin | Configure Kotlin Plugin Updates.

1 Answers

Is it possible to use "when" in this case without compiler warning?

Yes, by using ContextCompat.getDrawable() instead of context.getDrawable():

fun View.getDrawable(resId : Int): Drawable? =
        when (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT) {
            in 1..20 -> resources.getDrawable(resId)
            else -> ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, resId)

Note that ContextCompat.getDrawable() returns the optional type Drawable?.

like image 190
Onik Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
