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Smart cast to kotlin.String

I was trying Kotlin and got message from compiler:

Smart cast to kotlin.String


/*"mTripStatus" is a nullable String*/
var html :String = HTML
html = if (mTripStatus!=null) html.replace("TRIP_STATUS_VALUE", mTripStatus) else html

What does this mean?

like image 879
Malwinder Singh Avatar asked Dec 04 '17 19:12

Malwinder Singh

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1 Answers

The compiler knows that mTripStatus cannot be null if the if condition is satisfied, so it performs a smart cast from String? to String. That's what allows html.replace("TRIP_STATUS_VALUE", mTripStatus) to compile.

But note that this shouldn't be interpreted as a compiler warning. This is idiomatic Kotlin code.

like image 121
Oliver Charlesworth Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 06:09

Oliver Charlesworth