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Android M permission dialog not showing

I'm currently trying to adapt my application to the new permissions model of Android M.

I'm collecting all the permissions I require, then run

Log.i("Permissions", "Requesting permissions: " + permissions); requestPermissions(requiredPermissions.toArray(new String[requiredPermissions.size()]), requestCodeForPermissions); 

requiredPermissions holds the permissions I need like android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

That routine is definitely executed as I have the Log line in the logcat:

08-07 12:52:46.469: I/Permissions(1674): Requesting permissions: android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED; android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 

But the permissions dialog never shows, let alone is onRequestPermissionsResult() called.

What am I doing wrong? Based on some tutorials I found I'm not missing anything. I only have the emulator for testing, no physical device. This is the about screen from settings: Image

It might be worth mentioning something else: If I try to open the overview of installed apps from the home screen I only get launcher3 has exited. I'm not sure if that might be related.

Does anybody have an idea why it's not showing?

like image 547
Jens Avatar asked Aug 07 '15 13:08


1 Answers

I experienced the same issue but later I realized I forgot to add the permission to the manifest file. After adding the uses-permission tag, the system showed the dialog. Maybe helps someone.

like image 63
Tamás Cseh Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09

Tamás Cseh