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How to revert theme from Darcula to default in Android Studio

I have changed my Android Studio theme from Default to Darcula.

But when I want to search anything then I need to go to browser which is very bright.

Now I want to revert the theme from Darcula to default theme in Android Studio. When I do that, it just changes background color and font color of Editor window. I want to change the whole window to be default instead of black.

Bright-themed editor in dark-themed IDE


I have changed theme from Android Studio | Preferences | Editor | Colors & Fonts.

Check out this link for more detail about how to change theme in Android Studio.

like image 894
Dharmik Avatar asked Sep 23 '14 04:09


People also ask

How do I change the default theme in Android Studio?

To change default themes go to File and click on Settings. A new Settings dialog will appear, like this. Under the Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance, you will find Theme. Choose the right theme from the drop-down and click on Apply and then Ok.

What is the default theme in Android?

Light—White background with dark text. Dark—Black background with light text. System default—Uses the Android device's setting.

Does Android studio have dark mode?

Use the system setting (Settings -> Display -> Theme) to enable Dark theme.

1 Answers

You might be tried to change Settings -> Colors & Fonts -> Scheme name like below:

enter image description here

Try to edit Settings -> Appearances -> Theme:

enter image description here

like image 100
Dennis MP Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09

Dennis MP