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Android - Emulator in landscape mode, screen does not rotate

Another answer here:

in my case the problem was simply that the auto-rotate setting in the android emulator settings (accessible pulling down the notification bar) was disabled, my bad.

It is a bug with the 2.3 and 4.4 emulators.

http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=13189 [v2.3] https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=61671 [v4.4]

In my case it was solved by disabling the "Hardware keyboard present" checkbox in the "Edit Android Virtual Device (AVD)" window.

I spent more time then I'd like to admit scratching my head why my app was rotating fine on my device but not in the emulator... in the emulator pull the drop-down OS menu and make sure "auto-rotate" is enabled. emulator screenshot

API Level 29 here. By default the rotate is disabled. Pull Down the drop-down of the mobile and enable it.

In my case the Skin option in AVD settings was the problem. When I selected "No skin", it worked.

I had same problem. Try removing the "Keyboard lid support" option in the settings of the hardwere virtual machine. It helped me.