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How do android screen coordinates work?

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How do screen coordinates work?

These four numbers define two points on the screen. The first number is the "X" coordinate of the first point, the second number is the "Y" coordinate of the first point, the third number is the "X" coordinate of the second point, and finally the fourth number is the "Y" coordinate of the second point.

How do I get touch coordinates on Android?

int x = (int)event. getX(); int y = (int)event. getY(); If you want the coordinates relative to the top left corner of the device screen, then use the raw values.

How do you find XY coordinates on screen?

Point Position (for Windows) is a simple tool that lets you pick the coordinates for any point on your screen (using X,Y axis). Simply point one of the four corner arrows at the spot on your screen that you want to define and click the button to display the X/Y coordinates.

How do I get XY coordinates in Appium?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. You don't need any tools for getting the x, y values. After enabling this once you tap on screen -> x, y locator values will be displayed in top bar.

enter image description here

This image presents both orientation(Landscape/Portrait)

To get MaxX and MaxY, read on.

For Android device screen coordinates, below concept will work.

Display mdisp = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point mdispSize = new Point();
int maxX = mdispSize.x; 
int maxY = mdispSize.y;

EDIT:- ** **for devices supporting android api level older than 13. Can use below code.

    Display mdisp = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    int maxX= mdisp.getWidth();
    int maxY= mdisp.getHeight();

(x,y) :-

1) (0,0) is top left corner.

2) (maxX,0) is top right corner

3) (0,maxY) is bottom left corner

4) (maxX,maxY) is bottom right corner

here maxX and maxY are screen maximum height and width in pixels, which we have retrieved in above given code.

For Android API level 13 and you need to use this:

Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int maxX = size.x; 
int maxY = size.y;

Then (0,0) is top left corner and (maxX,maxY) is bottom right corner of the screen.

The 'getWidth()' for screen size is deprecated since API 13

Furthermore getwidth() and getHeight() are methods of android.view.View class in android.So when your java class extends View class there is no windowManager overheads.

          int maxX=getwidht();
          int maxY=getHeight();

as simple as that.

This picture will remove everyone's confusion hopefully which is collected from there.

Android screen coordinate