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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment not attached to Activity

People also ask

How do I attach a fragment to an activity?

Add a fragment to an activity You can add your fragment to the activity's view hierarchy either by defining the fragment in your activity's layout file or by defining a fragment container in your activity's layout file and then programmatically adding the fragment from within your activity.

What is the fragment life cycle in Android?

A fragment can be used in multiple activities. Fragment life cycle is closely related to the life cycle of its host activity which means when the activity is paused, all the fragments available in the activity will also be stopped. A fragment can implement a behaviour that has no user interface component.

This error happens due to the combined effect of two factors:

  • The HTTP request, when complete, invokes either onResponse() or onError() (which work on the main thread) without knowing whether the Activity is still in the foreground or not. If the Activity is gone (the user navigated elsewhere), getActivity() returns null.
  • The Volley Response is expressed as an anonymous inner class, which implicitly holds a strong reference to the outer Activity class. This results in a classic memory leak.

To solve this problem, you should always do:

Activity activity = getActivity();
if(activity != null){

    // etc ...


and also, use isAdded() in the onError() method as well:

public void onError(VolleyError error) {

    Activity activity = getActivity(); 
    if(activity != null && isAdded())
        if (error instanceof NoConnectionError) {
           String errormsg = getResources().getString(R.string.no_internet_error_msg);
           Toast.makeText(activity, errormsg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Fragment lifecycle is very complex and full of bugs, try to add:

Activity activity = getActivity(); 
if (isAdded() && activity != null) {

I Found Very Simple Solution isAdded() method which is one of the fragment method to identify that this current fragment is attached to its Activity or not.

we can use this like everywhere in fragment class like:


// using this method, we can do whatever we want which will prevent   **java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment not attached to Activity** exception.


Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment

DeadlineListFragment{ad2ef970} not attached to Activity

Category: Lifecycle

Description: When doing time-consuming operation in background thread(e.g, AsyncTask), a new Fragment has been created in the meantime, and was detached to the Activity before the background thread finished. The code in UI thread(e.g.,onPostExecute) calls upon a detached Fragment, throwing such exception.

Fix solution:

  1. Cancel the background thread when pausing or stopping the Fragment

  2. Use isAdded() to check whether the fragment is attached and then to getResources() from activity.

i may be late but may help someone ..... The best solution for this is to create a global application class instance and call it in the particular fragment where your activity is not being attached

as like below

icon = MyApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.weather_thunder);

Here is application class

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    private static MyApplication mInstance;
    private RequestQueue mRequestQueue;

    public void onCreate() {
        mInstance = this;

    public static synchronized MyApplication getInstance() {
        return mInstance;

In Fragment use isAdded() It will return true if the fragment is currently attached to Activity.

If you want to check inside the Activity

 Fragment fragment = new MyFragment();
      { // your code here}
       //do something

Hope it will help someone

This error can happen if you are instantiating a fragment that somehow can't be instantiated:

Fragment myFragment = MyFragment.NewInstance();

public classs MyFragment extends Fragment {
  public void onCreate() {
   // Some error here, or anywhere inside the class is preventing it from being instantiated

In my case, i have met this when i tried to use:

private String loading = getString(R.string.loading);