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Android Device Chooser Shows Red X In Target Column

I've recently built an Android app with a minSdkVersion of 7 and targetSdkVersion of 10. I'm now making the app tablet compatible and adding action bars. So I updated by targetSdkVersion to 15 and in my project properties, moved my Project Build Tarket to Android 4.0.3, API 15. I also double-checked that my Java Compiler is 1.6.

Without making any other changes to my code, I try to run my app and in the Android Device Chooser, my two physical devices, versions 2.3.4 and 3.1, both have a red X in the Target column, instead of the green check mark.

I'm also working with the ActionbarCompat sample app and a sample app from ActionbarSherlock and when I run one of those apps, both of my devices, show a green check mark. Both of these sample apps have their Project Build Target set to 4.0.3 and the same sdkVersion settings that I have in my app. As far as I can tell, my app is setup the same as the others. Why does my app then have a red X next to my device versions in the Target column.


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dbDev Avatar asked Aug 15 '12 23:08


2 Answers

In Eclipse, after changing the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion

if the "Android Device Chooser" still shows the Red X on the Devices (which should be compatibles). Try:

  • Open the "Debug Configuration" or "Run Configuration" Dialog
  • Remove all the configurations under "Android Application"
  • Retry Right-Click on the Project > Debug As > Android Application

All compatible devices should turns to the green check mark now.

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Hiep Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 18:10


It's becuase your devices are running Android versions 2.3.4, and 3.1, so you must have minSdkVersion="10" at the very least. Once you set the minSdkVersion to 10, then you'll get the green check mark again.

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CAM-Dev Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 18:10