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Android Calendar View for Date Picker

I'm writing my first app, and I have a question about DatePicker.

My app requires the user to input a date. The most user-friendly way would be to popup a calendar-like widget that displays the current month like a calendar grid - something like this:

enter image description here

I want to use that in place of the DatePicker interface - which has Month, Day, and Year fields, each with an up and down button to increment/decrement.

Is this type of functionality built into any Android widget or view, or would I have to design my own custom component to do this? I figured this would already exist, seeing how much this type of UI is used so frequently in non-mobile apps and web pages.


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ndtrek07 Avatar asked Sep 14 '10 20:09


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1 Answers

Now, in 2014, even the native DatePicker (link) contains small Holo looking CalendarView (link) to pick a day in month.

You can choose, if both spinners and CalendarView or just one of them is displayed by setting:

  • android:calendarViewShown
  • android:spinnersShown

I'm not sure if it's just API level 16+ or if it was even in Ice Cream Sandwich, but it's there. This is how it looks by default:

enter image description here

Moreover, on API level 21 and higher there is a new Material themed DatePicker that looks like following:

enter image description here

This is default on API 21+ and there are no spinners anymore, but you can switch back to the Holo one by setting


in your XML.

like image 186
Marcel Bro Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10

Marcel Bro