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New posts in android-datepicker

how to popup datepicker when click on edittext in fragment

How to enable dates only between current date and previous 7 days on DatePickerDialog? [duplicate]

Customize style Theme.Holo.Light.Dialog.MinWidth for DatePicker

DatePickerDialog OK button not getting the selected date

Min date Max date not working in xamarin android

when using datepicker in android 4.0 and above..how to avoid the calender view

How to disable dates after today date in DatePickerDialog Android?

How set Locale in Time Picker Android [duplicate]

Android only month and year picker in material design

Material date picker selected date circle is out of center ,How to make it fit center?

Make a Datepicker button look similar to the one in Google calendar app

Validating "from date" and "to date" in android

DatePickerDialog save layout on screen rotate

Change DatePickerDialog's button texts

Android datepicker min max date before api level 11