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An efficient algorithm to calculate the integer square root (isqrt) of arbitrarily large integers


For a solution in Erlang or C / C++, go to Trial 4 below.

Wikipedia Articles

Integer square root

  • The definition of "integer square root" could be found here

Methods of computing square roots

  • An algorithm that does "bit magic" could be found here

[ Trial 1 : Using Library Function ]


isqrt(N) when erlang:is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->


This implementation uses the sqrt() function from the C library, so it does not work with arbitrarily large integers (Note that the returned result does not match the input. The correct answer should be 12345678901234567890):

Erlang R16B03 (erts-5.10.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.10.4  (abort with ^G)
1> erlang:trunc(math:sqrt(12345678901234567890 * 12345678901234567890)).

[ Trial 2 : Using Bigint + Only ]


isqrt2(N) when erlang:is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
    isqrt2(N, 0, 3, 0).

isqrt2(N, I, _, Result) when I >= N ->

isqrt2(N, I, Times, Result) ->
    isqrt2(N, I + Times, Times + 2, Result + 1).


This implementation is based on the following observation:

isqrt(0) = 0   # <--- One 0
isqrt(1) = 1   # <-+
isqrt(2) = 1   #   |- Three 1's
isqrt(3) = 1   # <-+
isqrt(4) = 2   # <-+
isqrt(5) = 2   #   |
isqrt(6) = 2   #   |- Five 2's
isqrt(7) = 2   #   |
isqrt(8) = 2   # <-+
isqrt(9) = 3   # <-+
isqrt(10) = 3  #   |
isqrt(11) = 3  #   |
isqrt(12) = 3  #   |- Seven 3's
isqrt(13) = 3  #   |
isqrt(14) = 3  #   |
isqrt(15) = 3  # <-+
isqrt(16) = 4  # <--- Nine 4's


This implementation involves only bigint additions so I expected it to run fast. However, when I fed it with 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 * 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111, it seems to run forever on my (very fast) machine.

[ Trial 3 : Using Binary Search with Bigint +1, -1 and div 2 Only ]


Variant 1 (My original implementation)

isqrt3(N) when erlang:is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
    isqrt3(N, 1, N).

isqrt3(_N, Low, High) when High =:= Low + 1 ->

isqrt3(N, Low, High) ->
    Mid = (Low + High) div 2,
    MidSqr = Mid * Mid,
        %% This also catches N = 0 or 1
        MidSqr =:= N ->
        MidSqr < N ->
            isqrt3(N, Mid, High);
        MidSqr > N ->
            isqrt3(N, Low, Mid)

Variant 2 (modified above code so that the boundaries go with Mid+1 or Mid-1 instead, with reference to the answer by Vikram Bhat)

isqrt3a(N) when erlang:is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
    isqrt3a(N, 1, N).

isqrt3a(N, Low, High) when Low >= High ->
    HighSqr = High * High,
        HighSqr > N ->
            High - 1;
        HighSqr =< N ->

isqrt3a(N, Low, High) ->
    Mid = (Low + High) div 2,
    MidSqr = Mid * Mid,
        %% This also catches N = 0 or 1
        MidSqr =:= N ->
        MidSqr < N ->
            isqrt3a(N, Mid + 1, High);
        MidSqr > N ->
            isqrt3a(N, Low, Mid - 1)


Now it solves the 79-digit number (namely 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 * 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111) in lightening speed, the result is shown immediately. However, it takes 60 seconds (+- 2 seconds) on my machine to solve one million (1,000,000) 61-digit numbers (namely, from 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000). I would like to do it even faster.

[ Trial 4 : Using Newton's Method with Bigint + and div Only ]


isqrt4(0) -> 0;

isqrt4(N) when erlang:is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
    isqrt4(N, N).

isqrt4(N, Xk) ->
    Xk1 = (Xk + N div Xk) div 2,
        Xk1 >= Xk ->
        Xk1 < Xk ->
            isqrt4(N, Xk1)

Code in C / C++ (for your interest)

Recursive variant

#include <stdint.h>

uint32_t isqrt_impl(
    uint64_t const n,
    uint64_t const xk)
    uint64_t const xk1 = (xk + n / xk) / 2;
    return (xk1 >= xk) ? xk : isqrt_impl(n, xk1);

uint32_t isqrt(uint64_t const n)
    if (n == 0) return 0;
    if (n == 18446744073709551615ULL) return 4294967295U;
    return isqrt_impl(n, n);

Iterative variant

#include <stdint.h>

uint32_t isqrt_iterative(uint64_t const n)
    uint64_t xk = n;
    if (n == 0) return 0;
    if (n == 18446744073709551615ULL) return 4294967295U;
        uint64_t const xk1 = (xk + n / xk) / 2;
        if (xk1 >= xk)
            return xk;
            xk = xk1;
    } while (1);


The Erlang code solves one million (1,000,000) 61-digit numbers in 40 seconds (+- 1 second) on my machine, so this is faster than Trial 3. Can it go even faster?

About My Machine

Processor : 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7

Memory : 32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

OS : Mac OS X Version 10.9.1

Related Questions

Integer square root in python

  • The answer by user448810 uses "Newton's Method". I'm not sure whether doing the division using "integer division" is okay or not. I'll try this later as an update. [UPDATE (2015-01-11): It is okay to do so]

  • The answer by math involves using a 3rd party Python package gmpy, which is not very favourable to me, since I'm primarily interested in solving it in Erlang with only builtin facilities.

  • The answer by DSM seems interesting. I don't really understand what is going on, but it seems that "bit magic" is involved there, and so it's not quite suitable for me too.

Infinite Recursion in Meta Integer Square Root

  • This question is for C++, and the algorithm by AraK (the questioner) looks like it's from the same idea as Trial 2 above.
like image 994
Siu Ching Pong -Asuka Kenji- Avatar asked Feb 09 '14 09:02

Siu Ching Pong -Asuka Kenji-

People also ask

What is the algorithm to find the square root of a number?

Newton's method for square root If we have to find the square root of a number n, the function would be f(x) = x² - N and we would have to find the root of the function, f(x). Now, the better approximation can be found using (1). This is how the algorithm for finding square root of a number comes.

How do you find the square root of an integer in Python?

isqrt() method in Python is used to get the integer square root of the given non-negative integer value n.

How do you write square root in pseudocode?

Here is the pseudo code: x = 1 repeat 10 times: x = (x + n / x) / 2 return x.

1 Answers

How about binary search like following doesn't need floating divisions only integer multiplications (Slower than newtons method) :-

low = 1;

/* More efficient bound

high = pow(10,log10(target)/2+1);


high = target

while(low<high) {

 mid = (low+high)/2;
 currsq = mid*mid;

 if(currsq==target) {

 if(currsq<target) {

      if((mid+1)*(mid+1)>target) {
      low =  mid+1;

 else {

     high = mid-1;


This works for O(logN) iterations so should not run forever for even very large numbers

Log10(target) Computation if needed :-

acc = target

log10 = 0;

while(acc>0) {

  log10 = log10 + 1;
  acc = acc/10;

Note : acc/10 is integer division

Edit :-

Efficient bound :- The sqrt(n) has about half the number of digits as n so you can pass high = 10^(log10(N)/2+1) && low = 10^(log10(N)/2-1) to get tighter bound and it should provide 2 times speed up.

Evaluate bound:-

bound = 1;
acc = N;
count = 0;
while(acc>0) {

 acc = acc/10;

 if(count%2==0) {

    bound = bound*10;



high = bound*10;
low = bound/10;
like image 53
Vikram Bhat Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Vikram Bhat