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Ambiguity in Roslyn's CompilationUnitSyntax.ReplaceNode




I'm trying to replace CompilationUnitSyntax of a class using Roslyn.

However, ReplaceNode that I'm using has a different signature than ReplaceNode in Roslyn FAQ and any StackOverflow question that I've looked at. Can anyone point out why is that, and how can I use ReplaceNode that takes old ClassDeclarationSyntax and new ClassDeclarationSyntax as parameters?

I'm looking at September CTP FAQ¹, method:

    public void AddMethodToClass()

particularly the following line:

        CompilationUnitSyntax newCompilationUnit =
            compilationUnit.ReplaceNode(classDeclaration, newClassDeclaration);

When I'm attempting to build this code, I'm getting an error because ReplaceNode expects different arguments:

 'Roslyn.Compilers.CSharp.CompilationUnitSyntax' does not contain a definition for 'ReplaceNode' and the best extension method overload

¹ I'm fairly sure I'm using the September CTP:

I'm using the FAQ from %userprofile%\Documents\Microsoft Roslyn CTP - September 2012\CSharp\APISampleUnitTestsCS\FAQ.cs

NuGet says that my Roslyn package has version 1.2.20906.2

like image 463
Amadeusz Wieczorek Avatar asked Feb 22 '14 01:02

Amadeusz Wieczorek

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1 Answers

There are two overloads of ReplaceNode() (both are extension methods):

  1. public static TRoot ReplaceNode<TRoot, TNode>(
        this TRoot root, TNode oldNode, TNode newNode)
        where TRoot : CommonSyntaxNode where TNode : CommonSyntaxNode;

    in Roslyn.Compilers.CommonSyntaxNodeExtensions.

  2. public static TRoot ReplaceNode<TRoot>(
        this TRoot root, SyntaxNode node, SyntaxRemoveOptions options, 
        Func<SyntaxNode, SyntaxTriviaList> keepLeadingTrivia = null,
        Func<SyntaxNode, SyntaxTriviaList> keepTrailingTrivia = null)
        where TRoot : SyntaxNode

    in Roslyn.Compilers.CSharp.SyntaxExtensions.

You want the first one, but the error message talks about the second one, which indicates that you're missing using Roslyn.Compilers;.

like image 134
svick Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
