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Alternative to google analytics that runs on ASP.NET and doesn't use IIS logs?


I need a hit counter for my various pages, but I can't use google analytics (my client isn't ready for cloud computing) and I can't use anything that requires access to the IIS logs (the server administrator owns them and doesn't want to give them up)

What resources are there for user usage tracking for what is essentially a hosted ASP.NET account?

I'm running an ASP.NET application on IIS 6. I've turned on health monitoring, but so far that is just creating log data with no analytics.

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MatthewMartin Avatar asked Jul 22 '09 12:07


People also ask

Is there a better alternative to Google Analytics?

Gauges is another great alternative to Google Analytics, offering you comprehensive insight into the traffic coming to your site. It comes with attribution modeling capabilities, allowing you to get customer journey insights, track campaign performance, and analyze revenue.

Is there a free alternative to Google Analytics?

If you want a free alternative to Google Analytics, Matomo is the tool for you. However, if you think that you can pay to have better service, Piwik PRO is a better choice. If you want many features, enjoy working with statistics and data, Adobe Analytics would be the best choice.

Do you have to pay for Google Analytics?

Google Analytics gives you the tools, free of charge, to understand the customer journey and improve marketing ROI.

1 Answers

I recently wrote up a list of (mostly) free GA alternatives.


Many of these are cloud-based, but there are some that are completely hosted as well. I cannot recommend a particular solution, but the most popular self-hosted packages look like Grape Web Statistics (http://www.quate.net/grape), Open Web Analytics (http://www.openwebanalytics.com/) and Piwik (http://piwik.org/).

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Robert Diana Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Robert Diana