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How to install software in CentOS


apt-get install devscripts

What is the equivalent in centOS?

like image 338
TIMEX Avatar asked Nov 06 '09 09:11


People also ask

Which installation program is used by CentOS?

Gnome software will be launched automatically. If it does not start, then you can download the file with it. Then click the install option along with the right password for installation.

How do you install a program in Linux?

Just double-click the downloaded package and it should open in a package installer that will handle all the dirty work for you. For example, you'd double-click a downloaded . deb file, click Install, and enter your password to install a downloaded package on Ubuntu.

How do I find software on CentOS?

Search for packages through GUI Software utility in CentOS 8Open the activities menu from the top left corner of your desktop. Now open “software” from the menu on the left. Here you can explore and search for any packages. You also have the option to check installed packages and the packages that require updates.

How do I install a program in Linux terminal?

To install any package, just open a terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ) and type sudo apt-get install <package name> . For instance, to get Chrome type sudo apt-get install chromium-browser .

1 Answers

CentOS uses yum (Yellowdog Updater, Modified)

yum install devscripts
like image 158
tuergeist Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 15:11
