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Many small files or one big file? (Or, Overhead of opening and closing file handles) (C++)


I have created an application that does the following:

  1. Make some calculations, write calculated data to a file - repeat for 500,000 times (over all, write 500,000 files one after the other) - repeat 2 more times (over all, 1.5 mil files were written).
  2. Read data from a file, make some intense calculations with the data from the file - repeat for 1,500,000 iterations (iterate over all the files written in step 1.)
  3. Repeat step 2 for 200 iterations.

Each file is ~212k, so over all i have ~300Gb of data. It looks like the entire process takes ~40 days on a Core 2 Duo CPU with 2.8 Ghz.

My problem is (as you can probably guess) is the time it takes to complete the entire process. All the calculations are serial (each calculation is dependent on the one before), so i can't parallel this process to different CPUs or PCs. I'm trying to think how to make the process more efficient and I'm pretty sure the most of the overhead goes to file system access (duh...). Every time i access a file i open a handle to it and then close it once i finish reading the data.

One of my ideas to improve the run time was to use one big file of 300Gb (or several big files of 50Gb each), and then I would only use one open file handle and simply seek to each relevant data and read it, but I'm not what is the overhead of opening and closing file handles. can someone shed some light on this?

Another idea i had was to try and group the files to bigger ~100Mb files and then i would read 100Mb each time instead of many 212k reads, but this is much more complicated to implement than the idea above.

Anyway, if anyone can give me some advice on this or have any idea how to improve the run time i would appreciate it!


Profiler update:

I ran a profiler on the process, it looks like the calculations take 62% of runtime and the file read takes 34%. Meaning that even if i miraculously cut file i/o costs by a factor of 34, I'm still left with 24 days, which is quite an improvement, but still a long time :)

like image 408
dudico Avatar asked Jul 29 '09 05:07


People also ask

Why does copying many small files take so long?

Slow file copying can be caused by storage issues, client issues, and server issues. On the file server that hosts the shared folder, copy the file to its local hard disk. If the file-copying speed is unusually low (much slower than average speed), try to update the driver for your storage.

Why do some files take longer to copy than others?

Things like the filename, creation date, modification date, filesize etc. When you copy a large file like a video, this information is copied once, and then all the data blocks are copied into place. With tiny text files, new metadata needs to be transferred for each and every file.

2 Answers

Opening a file handle isn't probable to be the bottleneck; actual disk IO is. If you can parallelize disk access (by e.g. using multiple disks, faster disks, a RAM disk, ...) you may benefit way more. Also, be sure to have IO not block the application: read from disk, and process while waiting for IO. E.g. with a reader and a processor thread.

Another thing: if the next step depends on the current calculation, why go through the effort of saving it to disk? Maybe with another view on the process' dependencies you can rework the data flow and get rid of a lot of IO.

Oh yes, and measure it :)

like image 129
xtofl Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10


Each file is ~212k, so over all i have ~300Gb of data. It looks like the entire process takes ~40 days ...a ll the calculations are serial (each calculation is dependent on the one before), so i can't parallel this process to different CPUs or PCs. ... pretty sure the most of the overhead goes to file system access ... Every time i access a file i open a handle to it and then close it once i finish reading the data.

Writing data 300GB of data serially might take 40 minutes, only a tiny fraction of 40 days. Disk write performance shouldn't be an issue here.

Your idea of opening the file only once is spot-on. Probably closing the file after every operation is causing your processing to block until the disk has completely written out all the data, negating the benefits of disk caching.

My bet is the fastest implementation of this application will use a memory-mapped file, all modern operating systems have this capability. It can end up being the simplest code, too. You'll need a 64-bit processor and operating system, you should not need 300GB of RAM. Map the whole file into address space at one time and just read and write your data with pointers.

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Marsh Ray Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10

Marsh Ray