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Allowing custom tags in TinyMCE for integration with indexhibit

I'm trying to allow some custom tags to be entered into TinyMCE. The tag is

<plug:plugin_name />

However this is turned into


I'm about to write a regex to deal with this as I have to get the job done, I'd really rather not, but it will fix my issue.

I've tried many of the init options:

extended_valid_elements : "plug.plugin_name[*]",
custom_elements: "plug.plugin_name[*]",
verify_html : false, **//This ment that the tag wasn't ouright removed**
selfclosetags : \" />\", //some plugin I found, didn't seem to work
closed : /^(br|hr|input|meta|img|link|param|area|plug:plugin_name)$/,

Anyone else definitely got this to work with a recent version of TinyMCE?

Also, another problem will be the editor will strip away the tag, after I have fixed it with the regex!

like image 919
Chris Barry Avatar asked May 23 '11 20:05

Chris Barry

1 Answers

You just need to add it to the list of short ended elements:

extended_valid_elements : "plug:plugin_name[*]",
custom_elements: "~plug:plugin_name[*]",
short_ended_elements: 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr track plug:plugin_name'

Here's a fiddle to demonstrate.

like image 73
Steve K Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Steve K