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How can I query the postgres Point type from clojureql?


How can I query the postgres Point type from clojureql? I wish to use the PostGIS functionality but clojureql does not seem to include this.

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yazz.com Avatar asked Jul 10 '11 17:07


1 Answers

I am not an expert in clojureql, but if this syntax is correct:

(with-connection db 
   (with-query-results rs ["select * from blogs"] 
     ; rs will be a sequence of maps, 
     ; one for each record in the result set. 
     (dorun (map #(println (:title %)) rs))))

(taken from here)

why not trying to change the rs into:

select point[0] as x, point[1] as y from table

Will this work? I am not sure it will, but if this Clojure way of querying is simply forwarding the query to the DB "asis" you might try using as well PostGIS operators in it.

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simonecampora Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
