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Non-blocking javascript and css in modern browsers. Is it still needed?


People also ask

How does eliminating render blocking resources affect page performance?

These resources delay the First Paint - the time at which your browser renders something (i.e., background colours, borders, text or images) for the first time. Eliminating render-blocking resources can help your page load significantly faster and improve the website experience for your visitors.

What is the best place to put JavaScript code in an HTML file to make it non blocking?

The script tag should always be used before the body close or at the bottom in HTML file. The Page will load with HTML and CSS and later JavaScript will load.

Can all browsers always execute JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language that can run inside nearly all modern web browsers.

I am playing a little with some non-blocking JavaScript loading. This means I have a small snippet of JavaScript in my head, and load all my external files at runtime. I even took it a little further to load CSS non-blocking.

I see the articles I could find are a little outdated, that is why I want to know if this is all still relevant.

Now first the scripts, they look like this:

<script> (function () {     var styles = JSON.parse(myObject.styles);     for( name in styles ){         var link  = document.createElement('link');         link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');         link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');         link.setAttribute('href', styles[name]);         document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link);     }      var scripts = JSON.parse(myObject.scripts);     for( name in scripts ){         var e = document.createElement('script');         e.src = scripts[name];         e.async = true;         document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e);     } }()); </script> 

myObject.styles is here just an object that holds all the urls for all the files.

I have run 3 test, here are the results:

Normal setup

Page load with css in the head and javascript at the bottom

This is just the normal setup, we have 4 css files in the head, and 3 js files at the bottom of the page.

Now I do not see anything blocking. What I see it that everything is loading at the same time.

Non-blocking JS

Page load with non-blocking javascript

Now to take this a little further, I have made ONLY the js files non-blocking. This with the script above. I suddenly see that my css files are blocking up the load. This is strange, because it is not blocking anything in the first example. Why is css suddenly blocking the load ?

Everything non-blocking

Page load with everything non-blocking

Finally I did a test where all the external files are loaded in a non-blocking way. Now I do not see any difference with our first method. They just both look the same.


My conclusion is that the files are already loaded in a non-blocking way, I do not see a need to add special script.

Or am I missing something here?


  • Article: http://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2008/07/22/non-blocking-scripts/
  • Question: Javascript non-blocking scripts, why don't simply put all scripts before </body> tag?
  • Question: Do modern browsers still limit parallel downloads?
  • Code: http://calendar.perfplanet.com/2010/the-truth-about-non-blocking-javascript/
  • Code: http://blog.fedecarg.com/2011/07/12/javascript-asynchronous-script-loading-and-lazy-loading/