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Align indent to parenthesis after linebreak in Sublime Text

I like to keep my lines below 80 columns, so I often want to refactor a line that looks like this:

object.function(a_long_argument, another_long_argument, and_a_third)

to this:


But when I press Enter after the first "," in Sublime it just linebreaks and indents the cursor a few spaces. I want it to align to the paranthesis or [] or {} that I am in, like Emacs does so beautifully.

Is there an option for this? Is there a plugin for this? Do I have to write my own?

I have tried searching for it, but I have not found anything.


Even better would be a shortcut or plugin or something for selecting a few rows, or the entire buffer, and let it try to auto-linebreak at good spots. Refactor comments too. If it has to be language specific, I want it primarily for Python and C++.

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Gurgeh Avatar asked Sep 12 '12 09:09


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1 Answers

Sublime's indent_to_bracket will wrap the cursor for you. Just add the following line to either your User/Preferences.sublime-settings or User/Python.sublime-settings file:

"indent_to_bracket": true 

Unfortunately this currently only seems to work with parentheses, curly braces and square brackets still wrap to the previous line indent.

like image 140
joemaller Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10
