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Sublime Text 'find in files' gives <binary> in the find results

HotKey: Shift+Ctrl+F

Correct result: enter image description hereError results,

you can find the results just show as '<binary>'.I've searched this problem in google,but get nothing,

Error results

Here is log text. Thanks for anyone give suggestion

like image 796
Albert.Qing Avatar asked Sep 25 '14 03:09


People also ask

How do I see results in sublime text?

Searching With CTRL + Shift + F in Sublime 3 will bring the search results in a separate pane at bottom . . You will see the button on left side when you open the Find and Replace panel with CTRL + Shift + F shortcut. Save this answer.

How do I search a binary file?

To search for a sequence of bytes, rather than a text string, select the “binary data” search type. You can then enter the bytes into the search box as you would enter them into a hex editor. PowerGREP's regular expression support works equally well with binary files as with text files.

How do I search all files in Sublime Text?

Use the Search all shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + F , then select the folder in the "Where:" box below. (And for Mac, it's ⌘ + Shift + F ).

How do I read a binary file in sublime?

The default bit grouping and bytes per line are configurable via the settings file. Currently, to initiate the hex view, you select the command from the command palette. Just start typing “Hex Viewer” in the command palette to see the commands. One allows you to toggle the hex view on and off.

2 Answers

need convert control characters

java -jar replacecontrol.jar *filepath*


like image 97
wei jiang Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

wei jiang

The file most likely contains non UTF-8 encoded characters, binary characters or the content encoding cannot be guessed. Thus, it is not reliable to show search result summary.

like image 24
Mikko Ohtamaa Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Mikko Ohtamaa