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algorithm to remove elements in the intersection of two sets




I have a Visual Studio 2008 C++03 application where I have two standard containers. I would like to remove from one container all of the items that are present in the other container (the intersection of the sets).

something like this:

std::vector< int > items = /* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 */;
std::set< int > items_to_remove = /* 2, 4, 5*/;

std::some_algorithm( items.begin, items.end(), items_to_remove.begin(), items_to_remove.end() );

assert( items == /* 1, 3, 6, 7 */ )

Is there an existing algorithm or pattern that will do this or do I need to roll my own?


like image 460
PaulH Avatar asked May 15 '12 14:05


2 Answers

Try with:

        items.begin(), items.end()
      , std::bind1st(
            std::mem_fun( &std::set< int >::count )
          , items_to_remove
  , items.end()

std::remove(_if) doesn't actually remove anything, since it works with iterators and not containers. What it does is reorder the elements to be removed at the end of the range, and returns an iterator to the new end of the container. You then call erase to actually remove from the container all of the elements past the new end.

Update: If I recall correctly, binding to a member function of a component of the standard library is not standard C++, as implementations are allowed to add default parameters to the function. You'd be safer by creating your own function or function-object predicate that checks whether the element is contained in the set of items to remove.

like image 180
K-ballo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11


Personally, I prefer to create small helpers for this (that I reuse heavily).

template <typename Container>
class InPredicate {
    InPredicate(Container const& c): _c(c) {}

    template <typename U>
    bool operator()(U const& u) {
        return std::find(_c.begin(), _c.end(), u) != _c.end();

    Container const& _c;

// Typical builder for automatic type deduction
template <typename Container>
InPredicate<Container> in(Container const& c) {
    return InPredicate<Container>(c);

This also helps to have a true erase_if algorithm

template <typename Container, typename Predicate>
void erase_if(Container& c, Predicate p) {
    c.erase(std::remove_if(c.begin(), c.end(), p), c.end());

And then:

erase_if(items, in(items_to_remove));

which is pretty readable :)

like image 24
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Matthieu M.