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AJAX request to local file system not working in Chrome? [duplicate]

I am working to dynamically create a UI from XML using jQuery. My jQuery is working in Firefox but in Chrome it's not working. It gives me this console error:

Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.

The following is my jQuery code which working on Firefox but not working on Google chrome:

$.ajax({     url: 'file:///home/satendra/dndExamples/avisDnD/file.xml',     success: function(xml) {         $(xml).find('Tab').each(function() {             var id = $(this).attr('URL');             var tab = $(this).attr('TabName');             $("ul").append("<li><a href="+ id +">"+ tab +"</li>");         });     } }); 
like image 549
vibog Avatar asked Jul 13 '16 06:07


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How do I fix cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes Chrome Chrome extension https?

Just change the url to http://localhost instead of localhost . If you open the html file from local, you should create a local server to serve that html file, the simplest way is using Web Server for Chrome . That will fix the issue.

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ajax post method. The reason was my response was not in the JSON format so there was no need for the dataType: 'json' line in the submit method. In my case, the returned response was in text format that's why it was not going to success event. Solution: Remove dataType: 'json' line.

Does AJAX work with local files?

Note that you cannot make an AJAX request to the local file system from an external domain in either browser - it would be a massive security flaw if you could. For this AJAX request to work in Chrome you need to make the request to a webserver.

1 Answers

Firefox allows the request because it accepts requests to the local file system (ie. the file:// protocol) if they originate from there too. However Chrome denies all XMLHttpRequests to file:// urls.

Note that you cannot make an AJAX request to the local file system from an external domain in either browser - it would be a massive security flaw if you could.

For this AJAX request to work in Chrome you need to make the request to a webserver. If you're on Windows you can easily install IIS or WAMP on your local machine.

Note that it is possible to enable a setting in Google Chrome which allows requests to the local file system from the browser, but it's really not a good idea to use it. If you decide you want to go ahead and do this anyway, a guide can be found here.

like image 128
Rory McCrossan Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10

Rory McCrossan