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Ajax heavy JS apps using excessive amounts of memory over time

I seem to have some pretty large memory leaks in an app that I am working on. The app itself is not very complex. Every 15 seconds, the page requests approx 40kb of JSON from the server, and draws a table on the page using it. It is cheaper to draw the table over because the data is usually always new. I am attaching a few events to the table, approx 5 per line, 30 lines in the table. I used jQuery's .html() method to put the new html into the container and overwrite the existing. I do this specifically so that jQuery's special cleanup functions go in and attempt to detach all events on the elements in the element that it is overwriting. I then also delete the large variables of html once they are sent to the DOM using delete my_var.

I have checked for circular references and attached events that are never cleared a few times, but never REALLY dug into it. I was wondering if someone could give me a few pointers on how to optimize a very heavy app like this. I just picked up "High Performance Javascript" by Nicholas Zakas, but didn't have much time to get into it yet.

To give an idea on how much memory this is using, after 4~ hours, it is using about 420,000k on chrome, and much more on Firefox or IE.


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Shane Reustle Avatar asked Jan 14 '11 21:01

Shane Reustle

3 Answers

I'd suggest writing a test version of your script without events. DOM / JS circular references might be very hard to spot. By eliminating some variables from the equation, you might be able to narrow down your search a bit.

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Bitsplitter Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09


I have experienced the same thing. I had a piece of code that polled every 10 seconds and retrieved a count of the current user's errors (data entry/auditing), a simple integer. This was then used to replace the text inside a div (so the user knew when new errors were found in their work). If left overnight, the browser would end up using well over 1gb of memory!

The closest I came to solving the issue was reducing the polling to occur every 2 minutes instead and insist the user closed down at the end of the day. A better solution still would have been to use Ajax Push Engine to push data to the page ONLY when an error was created. This would have resulted in data being sent less frequently and thus less memory being used.

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danspants Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09


Are you saving anything to an abject / array? I've had this happen before with a chrome plugin where an array just kept getting larger and larger. This sounds like it might be your problem, especially considering you're fetching 40k.

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dawnerd Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
