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Advice: Implementation of SlidingMenu on Android (J. Feinstein)

I have a problem (seriously, I do not know how to do it :D) with the implementation of SlidingMenu library (from Jeremy Feinstein... link is dowm) for Android. Is there anyone who can help me with implementation process? I am beginning Android programmer, so sometimes I need help :)

Library - https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu

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Štěpán Víteček Avatar asked Nov 24 '12 22:11

Štěpán Víteček

1 Answers

I used Feinstein library myself and decided to create example app with flexible and reusable implementation as much as I could think.

Please check the source code at GitHub.

Download app directly to the device to try.

Here sliding menu, as it's content, uses list fragment. I made two approaches. One, when list data is filled with data loaded from XML file. Second, when data is filled from separate class.

I added many comments to catch the idea more easily. I hope it will be helpful! ;)

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Andrius Baruckis Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10

Andrius Baruckis