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How to get OkHttp3 redirected URL?

Is there a way to get the final URL of a request? I know that I can disable redirections and to this myself, but is there a way to get the current URL I'm loading? Like, if I requested a.com and got redirected to b.com, is there a way to get the name of the url b.com?

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Gatonito Avatar asked Aug 16 '16 03:08


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1 Answers

The response object provides a chain of the requests and responses which were used to obtain it.

To obtain the final URL, call request() on the Response for the final Request which then provides the url() you desire.

You can follow the entire response chain by calling priorResponse() and looking at each Response's associated Request.

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Jake Wharton Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10

Jake Wharton