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How to get all Views in an Activity?

is there a way to get every view that is inside my activity? I have over 200 views including buttons, and images, so i want to be able to access them by using a loop

for example something like

for (View v : this)
     //do something with the views 
     //depending on the types (button, image , etc)
like image 640
aryaxt Avatar asked Jul 10 '10 22:07


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SetContentView(View) Set the activity content to an explicit view. SetContentView(Int32) Set the activity content from a layout resource. SetContentView(View, ViewGroup+LayoutParams)

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2 Answers

To be specific:

private void show_children(View v) {
    ViewGroup viewgroup=(ViewGroup)v;
    for (int i=0;i<viewgroup.getChildCount();i++) {
        View v1=viewgroup.getChildAt(i);
        if (v1 instanceof ViewGroup) show_children(v1);

And then use the function somewhere:


to show all Views in the current Activity.

like image 22
Martin B Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

Martin B

is there a way to get every view that is inside my activity?

Get your root View, cast it to a ViewGroup, call getChildCount() and getChildAt(), and recurse as needed.

I have over 200 views including buttons, and images, so i want to be able to access them by using a loop

That is a rather large number of Views.

like image 173
CommonsWare Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 12:10
