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AdMob Earnings - How are they calculated [closed]



How are AdMob Earnings calculated? Is it dependent on the number of clicks alone? Or is it dependent on the ads that are shown? Or a combination of both?

One day I have 11 clicks that earned me $0.12 and the next day I have 14 clicks that earned me $0.51 and then one day I just earn $0.07 for 11 clicks.

Here is the screenshot of my earnings from AdMob...

enter image description here

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Vamsi Challa Avatar asked Feb 13 '13 02:02

Vamsi Challa

People also ask

How is AdMob earnings calculated?

An estimate of the revenue that you receive for every thousand ad impressions. eCPM is calculated as (Total Earnings / Impressions) x 1000. The total number of times users click ads shown in your app.

Why is my Google AdMob earning reducing?

Google may adjust your earnings if it detects invalid activity in your account or for activity that is not in compliance with Google policies. Google may also adjust your earnings if it cannot collect payments from advertisers whose ads were displayed on your content.

How does AdMob revenue work?

AdMob works by matching ads to your app based on criteria you set. The ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products. Since these advertisers pay different prices for different ads the amount you earn will vary.

How does AdMob pay per click?

CPM is around $1, or $1 per 1000 Ad impressions. Clicks I have seen as high as $0.25, but its going to vary on the Ad shown obviously.

2 Answers

It also depends on the impression that it makes, if the ads are show many times and u get 11 clicks u get less money if the ads are displayed less time and you get 11 clicks u get more money. Also it got more of complex process Hope you understand try this link it may have what you are searching.

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Amalan Dhananjayan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 09:10

Amalan Dhananjayan

The short is, Google has an auction system for their ads. The more you are willing to pay for them, the more they will show up in prime real estate. What this means to you is that the cost per click is dependent on the ad, which can change wildly from day to day.

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PearsonArtPhoto Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10
