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After updating Google Ads SDK addTestDevice is deprecated, How to resolve?

After updating Google Ads SDK to 19.0.0 gives a deprecated warning message for addTestDevice(), while I searched this link for resolving the issue but not succeed. how can I resolve it?

Here my code

mAdView.loadAd(new RequestConfiguration.Builder
       .setTestDeviceIds(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) // show error
       .setTestDeviceIds(DEV_ID) // show error

and developer site suggestion

Deprecated AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice(). Use RequestConfiguration.Builder.setTestDeviceIds() instead.

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Attaullah Avatar asked Mar 05 '20 06:03


2 Answers

I did like this:

List<String> testDevices = new ArrayList<>();

RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration
    = new RequestConfiguration.Builder()

AdView adView = new AdView(context);
// ... invoke some methods of adView ...
adView.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build());

The official reference says that a RequestConfiguration is the global configuration that will be used for every AdRequest. In my understanding, once you have setRequestConfiguration(), your AdRequests individually don't need to set test devices anymore.

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hata Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10


If you use Android Emulators there is no need to setTestDeviceIds() method because emulators are automatically configured as test devices .

But if you use a real devices or other emulators as a test device you must use it

List<String> testDeviceIds = Arrays.asList("33BE2250B43518CCDA7DE426D04EE231");
RequestConfiguration configuration =
    new RequestConfiguration.Builder().setTestDeviceIds(testDeviceIds).build();

To get the Device ID Check the logcat output for a message that looks like the one below, which shows you your device ID and how to add it as a test device:

I/Ads: Use RequestConfiguration.Builder.setTestDeviceIds(Arrays.asList("33BE2250B43518CCDA7DE426D04EE231"))
to get test ads on this device."

Source :

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Mohamed Ben Romdhane Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Mohamed Ben Romdhane