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Android Web App : Position:fixed broken?

On my Android N1 with CyanogenMod i had this trouble too and the fix:


Specifically the user-scalable=no; part, you can also put 0 instead of no.

Interestingly this breaks androids rendering of buttons, but all you have to do is set a background color to buttons.

Just add:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />

to the page and you're set for Android 2.2+. This worked on a page I was testing on my phone. Source: When can I use CSS position:fixed?

This is supposed to work :) http://doctyper.com/archives/200808/fixed-positioning-on-mobile-safari/

Just got an upgrade to Android 2.2 (Froyo) on my HTC Desire, and I'm happy to say that position fixed now works, at least when you use the viewport meta tag to set initial-scale and width. Still doesn't seem to work on regular web pages though.