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Adjusting height of mat-form-field Angular Material

I am running into an issue with a simple adjust of a mat-form-field that holds my autocomplete input. From the image you can see if it's outside the mat-toolbar height, but I have not found a simple way to adjust the height of the entire input so it can stay inside the toolbar area. Width works fine. Height does not.

input outside toolbar

enter image description here

My html code is as follows:

 <mat-toolbar  >
      <span style="width:200px">Test</span>
        <form class="example-form"  >
            <mat-form-field  appearance="outline"  margin=" 10px" class="example-full-width searchField" >

              <input type="text"   matInput [formControl]="myControl" [matAutocomplete]="auto" [(ngModel)]="value" >
              <button mat-button *ngIf="value" matSuffix mat-icon-button aria-label="Clear" (click)="value=''">
              <mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete" [displayWith]="displayFn">
                    *ngFor="let option of filteredOptions | async" 
                    [routerLink]="['/coredata', option.prodPointId]" >
                    {{option.prodPointCode}} : {{option.prodPointName}} 

When I pull up chrome dev tools I attempted to adjust the height in the CSS for the component using div.mat-form-field and several other options, but nothing has seemed to work. Looking at the documentation at Angular Material, I haven't found anything that shows me how to control this simple styling adjustment. What am I missing. Is it so simple and I just overthinking it? Thanks!

like image 423
GlitchEclipse Avatar asked Jan 09 '19 02:01


1 Answers

Need to overwrite css

   <div class="mat-form-field-infix">
    <input class="mat-input-element mat-form-field-autofill-control cdk-text-field-autofill-monitored" ma

tinput="" placeholder="Enter First name" 
ng-reflect-placeholder="Enter First name" id="mat-input-0" aria-describedby="mat-hint-0" aria-invalid="false" aria-required="false">
<span class="mat-form-field-label-wrapper">
<label class="mat-form-field-label id="mat-form-field-label-1" for="mat-input-0" aria-owns="mat-input-0">
<mat-label _ngcontent-nbv-c4="" class="ng-star-inserted">First Name</mat-label>

style overwrite

.mat-form-field-appearance-outline .mat-form-field-infix {
   padding: 10px;
.mat-form-field-infix {
     border-top: 0;

//change top and padding-top as per required

.mat-form-field-label-wrapper {
    top: -0.84375em;
    padding-top: 0.84375em;
like image 112
Rahul Kathar Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10

Rahul Kathar