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addEventListener() to non-existent elements?

I have attached a click event listener on an element like:

document.querySelector('.class-name').addEventListener('click', function () {


The element may or may not get generated from the server-side.

So, if the server generates the element then all works fine but if not then i get a error like:

Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

I know why this happens, but I want to know whether there is any better way to attach event listeners to elements which won't generate such errors?

like image 991
Ram Patra Avatar asked Jul 18 '14 12:07

Ram Patra

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Is addEventListener the same as on ()?

addEventListener() is a method of a normal DOM element and . on() is a jQuery object method. As you probably know, a jQuery object can represent more than one element and when you use the . on() method you are attaching and event handler to every element in the collection.

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1 Answers

There's no way of doing this without some sort of conditional test, but you can save a few characters compared to an if block thus:

var el = document.querySelector('.class-name');
el && el.addEventListener(...);

I don't believe there's any simple way of avoiding the temporary variable (but see below).

NB: the below is included just to show that it's possible and should not be construed as a recommendation ;-)

If this is a very common pattern in your HTML and JS, a way to avoid the temporary assignment to el is this:

var missing = {
  addEventListener: function() {};
};  // a "null" element

(document.querySelector('.className') || missing).addEventListener(...);

The idea being that the || missing ensures that there's something present to absorb the addEventListener reference and invocation.

like image 83
Alnitak Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09
