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passing php string with multiple lines to a javascript function/variable

I'm working on someone else's website and it has a very stupid logic! Anyway, there is a php variable which contains a string which comes from database.

$x = ' aaaa


gggg ';

and I need to feed this string to a javascript function:


var x = "<?php echo $x ; ?>";


As you know I end up with an error because a javascript variable cannot contain multiple lines without joining them together like this:

var x = ' i '+
        ' have '+
        ' different lines'; 

How can I do this? It doesn't matter if it removes the lines or formats it properly, I just want to get rid of this error.

like image 248
max Avatar asked May 20 '13 23:05


1 Answers

Pass the string into json_encode to properly escape it. If you're outputting to an HTML document, make sure to pass JSON_HEX_TAG as part of the options, to escape < and > and prevent a malicious user from ending your </script> tags early and introducing an XSS exploit.

like image 161
Gray Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09
